Emerald Embrace Wellness Bikini

SKU: 6793
By Saleyla

Your Measurements

No Change
Molded Push-up Triangle

No Change
Rio Pro(5.0" - 5.5")
Rio(5.5" - 6.5")
Moderate( 7" - 7.5")
Full(8" - 9")

Emerald Embrace Wellness Bikini: A Jewel on the Stage of Champions

Show off your elegance and poise with our Emerald Embrace Wellness Bikini. Crafted from luxurious deep green velvet, this suit is for the competitor who embodies grace and the spirit of wellness.

Key Features:

  • Velvet Elegance: The deep green velvet fabric of this bikini exudes sophistication, wrapping you in a hue that's as deep and captivating as the emerald itself.
  • Flawless Fit: Designed with a classic triangle top and a sleek V-cut bottom, both featuring secure hook fastenings, this bikini promises a fit that highlights your form while offering maximum comfort.
  • Dazzling Detailing: Shimmering with single crystal clear rhinestone connectors and a rich tapestry of emerald and light green rhinestones, this bikini is a testament to beauty and attention to detail.
  • Tailored for Excellence: The Micro Cut back coverage is thoughtfully designed for competitors in the NPC, IFBB, WBFF, OCB, or Muscle and Fitness Contests, ensuring that your suit meets the high standards of these prestigious platforms.

Why Choose Our Wellness Bikini:

  • A Tribute to Nature’s Splendor: Inspired by the natural beauty of the emerald, this bikini reflects the power of nature in every facet and crystal.
  • Stand Out in Serenity: Perfect for wellness categories, this suit complements your serene yet strong presence on stage, making you the epitome of wellness and fitness.
  • Crafted for Champions: More than just a competition suit, the Emerald Embrace Wellness Bikini is a symbol of your dedication to the art and discipline of bodybuilding and wellness.

Embrace Your Wellness Journey with Elegance

Adorn yourself in the Emerald Embrace Wellness Bikini and turn heads at your next competition. This suit is not just an ensemble; it's a companion in your journey towards achieving excellence in the world of wellness and fitness competitions.